Ewers Engineering, Inc. (EEI) is a Roseville, California-based civil engineering firm specializing in water, wastewater, and stormwater design and planning. Our range of services springs from problem-solving the central question, “What keeps you up at night?” This question has resulted in some great outcomes for agencies. We have developed software for CIP development and management, a treatment plant handrail failure analysis and replacement policy, combined water and wastewater emergency response plans, and buried infrastructure condition assessments. How can we help you?
Underground facilities condition assessment to extend agencies’ return on investment (ROI). Ewers Engineering has been working with water, wastewater, and stormwater agencies for its entire existence to help agencies establish what is known and what is needed to take action, using criticality as a guide. All work is conducted without obligation or affiliation to product or service vendors. We are happy to provide an audit of your condition assessment program free of charge. Let us know if this would be helpful to get your program started.
Ewers Engineering builds and develops CIPs with agencies that are repeatable, transparent, and accessible to a range of audiences. Our CIP management software, RD/CIP, prioritizes projects based on failure risk, accelerates costs from project inceptions, and projects the agency staffing needed to manage projects with surges in project sizes and numbers.
Water, wastewater, and stormwater hydraulic modeling need not be a whole-system endeavor. We customize models to specific problems and issues, keeping the models current and limiting the investment for agencies in something that could quickly “stale” out of date.
We integrate a range of perspectives to increase effective emergency response and planning efforts that comply with and exceed the requirements of regulations for water, wastewater, and stormwater systems.
Design and Construction
The benefits of experience
We have built our design and construction experience across a range of projects, so our projects benefit from standards developed over years and a dedicated group of persistent, perceptive professionals. We get it done.
Conduct route surveys and optimal route selection with multiple variables; design for metric or imperial systems; integrate pressurized or nonpressurized pipelines into crowded urban corridors; trenchless installation design; pipeline rehabilitation; and existing pipeline optimization to extend the service life
New or update standard drawings and specifications to meet the agency’s objectives
Sizing pumps and determining optimal configuration for applications, developing hydraulics of upstream and downstream systems, and integrating tricky constraints like large protected trees on site
Inspection, prebid meetings, cost/bid assessments and recommendations, RFIs, quantity takeoffs, daily reporting, scheduling and tracking with CPM
Ewers Engineering is fortunate to have worked with agencies throughout California, including:
Cities/Public Works:
Grass Valley
San Diego
Dublin San Ramon Services District
Fairfield-Suisun Sewer Services District
Kirkwood Mountain Resort
Sacramento Suburban Water District
San Rafael Sanitation District

EEI Volunteerism
Workdays: Placer Land Trust
The Placer Land Trust uses conservation easements and purchases to make some of the beautiful country of the Sierra foothills accessible to all in service of the community. EEI’s volunteer efforts have been to help clear trails for easier access (particularly after a big blow downed trees, as here). Come and join us for a work day! It’s great fun with some of the best people you can hope to meet. Or join us for a hike on the trails we help maintain and build to appreciate what an astoundingly beautiful place we live in.
Environmental improvement: Prescribed burning on public and private lands
One of the most puzzling and confounding elements of the beauty and fecundity of the West is in the role of fire here. Suppressing fire for too long locks up nutrients, builds fuel loads in the forest understory, and reduces species diversity. Chris Ewers has been working with the County Resource Conservation Services and Burn Associations in Placer, Nevada, and Yuba counties on public, private, and trust lands to help implement prescribed burns. There’s an amazing education here, fantastic outcomes, and much to be done. Come and get involved! We are building a future for our forests that displaces burned-out moonscapes and fearful communities with vibrant, cared-for, species-rich places.
Contact us
Inquiries welcome. If you're going to be in the Sacramento/Roseville area, drop us a line. Chris Ewers will buy the coffee.
Ewers Engineering, Inc.
914 Douglas Blvd
Roseville, California 95678